Wednesday, October 24, 2018

What Net Branch Operators are saying

Good Morning Megan,

THANK YOU SOOO MUCH for your hard work on ensuring a successful close for Akilah.  I told her in the beginning that once she was pre-approved that you would take over during processing and that she would certainly be impressed. 

 She and I spoke over the weekend and she was OVERLY impressed with both you and I and 11 Capital as a whole . . . and she couldn't stop raving about you in particular!!!   :) :) :)   

I would greatly appreciate it if you could confirm the total fees and/or dollar amount that 11 Capital received so that I may accurately submit for my commission.

AGAIN, THANK YOU and it is an ABSOLUTE PLEASURE working with you!!!!  By the way, I hope to have several more come your way VERY soon!!!


Darryl M

1 comment:

What our clients are saying

  I appreciate the good communication on your end. It makes even the small things a lot easier to get sorted.  TK, California